The Light At the End of the Tunnel…

I know everyone has felt like me in some capacity or another where you just feel completely overwhelmed, and whatever you do, or should I say, try to do, you just don’t feel like you are moving ahead.  Well, I have felt this way throughout March and while glancing at my calendar, I guess I can include the beginning of April as well.

I cannot say I am not accomplishing anything, I actually am completing quite a bit; however, I am in that rut where I finish one task, and there are several more to conquer.  I am one of those Type A perfectionists that I have to have everything just so, or I feel crazy inside.  For as long as I can remember, I have always been an insomniac, but when I am in these non-stop modes, my sleep schedule is even more horribly bothered.  I am very restless, my mind is racing, and I am achy all over with the stress that is just pouring off of me.

Yes, I know this sounds dramatic and quite bleak; however, I have learned when I have days like this I have to just breathe.  When I say breathe, I don’t mean your regular everyday keeping you alive breathing. I am talking that deep down counting while breathing in and out breathing.  It truly does calm me to do this while I listen to a relaxing mix on Pandora.  I just tell myself soon I will begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if it may seem like a far stretch away.  I know this too will pass and I just need to take each day for what it is and know that I will soon see brighter happy days ahead.

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