Winter Marches On…

Well, today is January 8th and the bitter, arctic chill has finally subsided.  The dreadful, cold snap seemed unending as the negative temperatures made themselves at home for weeks, just like a guest who has overstayed their welcome.  The wicked cold snap has finally said goodbye! I have been hibernating with endless amounts of cabin fever as the glazing snow tempted me continuously to come on out and stay awhile.  However, as soon as the whistling gust smacks my cheek and imprints a ruby glow on my pasty skin, I turn back around swiftly to my safe haven of warmth and comfort. Today, was my day to venture out and gaze as the sweating ice begins to subside, along with the grandiose sn0w hills collapsing as if to say I am weary.  Ahhh, what a wondrous feeling to once again experience fresh brisk air and breathe in the welcoming chill of winter.  I know Jack Frost will be arriving again soon, but in this moment, I will continue to behold this second as winter marches on.