After the Rain Comes…

While glancing at The Weather Channel app on my phone, I was excited to see rain coming in the next couple of hours.  I had planted my gardens already a couple days ago, and yes, it is early, but I have not seen a freeze warning in sight so I figured I would take the risk, and go for it.  Gardening is one of those simple pleasures that I look forward to every year.  Yes, it is a lot of work, but the pros truly outweigh the cons.  Seeing how each plant adapts to the soil amidst the unpredictable winds, bugs, and weeds truly amazes me!  The last couple of years I have found my love had become a bit of a chore, as I rushed to get done so I can move onto other projects.  This year I said I am going to take my time, enjoy the process like I used to, and cherish the experience.

Most people I know absolutely HATE any and all forms of gardening.  They equate the activity to be on the same level as housework, rather than delight in the experience.  I do understand this reasoning to a certain degree.  When you work all day and come home, you really don’t want to take another minute to “work” at another job.  But I think that is the issue. If you perceive gardening to be just another work assignment, it WILL be just another job.  However, if you lose yourself in the moment, and savor the sights of the awaiting soil, as the patient seedlings move effortlessly in the wind, while the aromas of the earth and plants travel freely through the air, as the friendly bumblebee smiles as he observes what is to come…stop and delight in this minute before the moment passes you by.

Hey, I know, the next day your hands will be sore, your back will ache, and the endless mosquito bites will make you want to scream, but at least in the moment, you had time with nature, which is truly more precious than we will ever understand.

After the rain comes, I will be sure to check on the progress of my new additions, but until then, I will just be thankful that I have a beautiful garden to look forward to as Spring marches on.